Investor visit to Lokumete plant

During their visit on 9 December, our investors were able to see the incredible design of the Lokumete plant, which not only uses the latest palm oil processing technology, but is also powered by a biomass boiler that reuses the waste from the factory as well as by a steam turbine.

The Lokumete plant is PHC's largest and most modern palm oil plant, newly commissioned in February 2021 at our Lokutu site.

Before visiting the factory, our investors listened to a short presentation made by PHC's Industrial Projects Manager regarding the processing of palm oil fruits in the factory.

The Lokumete plant's processing system allows PHC to create five products: crude palm oil, palm kernel oil, animal feed, fertilizer and green energy.

After the presentation, the factory manager of Lokumete Mill gave the investors a tour of the factory to show them how each step of the process takes place.

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