PHC investors replant oil palms

During the visit of our investors on December 8, we invited them to participate in the replanting of oil palms. Each investor also received the GPS coordinates of their palm tree so they could see it grow over time.

The planting of palm trees, which is essential to the sustainability of our business, has not been favored during the last years of PHC's operation. Now under new management, PHC looks forward to launching an oil palm plantation program in 2022 in the Lokutu concession.

Lokutu nursery staff helped our investors plant their oil palms, a process that involves measuring the right depth to plant the oil palm, adding a small amount of fertilizer at the planting spot , and finally to replace the earth all around the young oil palm to secure it. 

In about four years, our investors will be able to taste the fruits of their own oil palm!

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