
Due to the major development challenges in the provinces where PHC operates, the company is committed to providing support to the basic needs of local populations through a range of sustainable development activities.

PHC's sustainability activities are
based on a three-pillar approach:

Human Capital Development

Basic Infrastructure Development

Economic Opportunity Creation

These three pillars contribute to the achievement of PHC's vision: to create shared prosperity through agribusiness.

To do this, PHC identifies and implements all its sustainability activities in close collaboration with the surrounding communities through a transparent and inclusive process.



Through its strict zero deforestation policy, PHC is committed to environmental goals with respect to the protection of forests and high conservation areas. Of the 100.000 hectares that constitute PHC's concessions, only 25% are cultivated by the company; the remaining 75% are agricultural areas used by local communities and forests that the company has a duty to protect.

Submit a complaint

The establishment of a complaints management mechanism, effective since 2016 at PHC, is essential for the company as it allows workers and other stakeholders to voice their concerns. Our system also allows us to record and track both internal and external complaints. We ensure that this mechanism is the most accessible by all and is transparent. 

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