PHC celebrates its 112th anniversary

On May 11, 2023, Plantations et Huileries du Congo (PHC) is celebrating its 112th year of palm oil production in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Founded in 1911, PHC is today the largest industrial palm oil producer in the DRC and plays a key role in the Congolese economy by providing more than 7 jobs in rural areas of the country.

More than a century after its creation, the company has strengthened its position in the sector through an organizational transformation driven by Congolese leadership in 2021, fostering the adoption of new innovative approaches and the recruitment of a diverse and skilled workforce.

Under the new leadership of Madame Monique Gieskes, PHC is reinventing its operational approach, focusing on the value of employees and committing to providing them with safe and healthy working conditions, ensuring the success of both employees and the company. In 2022, PHC celebrated the production of over 60,000 tons of palm oil, an increase of 35% in two years.

Beyond managerial advances, the company's 112th anniversary also highlights PHC's commitment to local communities in the provinces of Tshopo, Mongala and Équateur where they operate. In line with its vision of creating shared prosperity through agribusiness, the company has already built 19 schools, 9 health centers, and more than 70 boreholes to benefit local communities. Additionally, the company provides quality medical care to more than 150,000 people through its private medical facilities, including 4 hospitals, 3 health centers and 18 dispensaries.

As the company celebrates its 112th anniversary, it looks forward to continuing its efforts to realize the potential of the Congolese agribusiness sector.

"The company's new vision gives rise to… a reframing and refocusing that places the interests of the sons and daughters of the Congo at the center of the company's concerns. That is to say, producing in Congo, for Congo, and by the Congolese”.- Monique Gieskes, Director General of PHC.

Madame Monique Gieskes inaugurates the football pitch at Boteka during the 112th anniversary celebrations.
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