Executive Management


Director of Plantations

A professional in the palm oil industry, Mr. Godefroid Baelenge took his first steps in the agriculture sector in 1989 as a Laboratory Manager at the Mombele Agricultural Technical Institute in Kinshasa. In 1993, he joined PHC, which was then called PLZ, as a trainee for two years. In January 1996, Mr. Baelenge was appointed Division Manager in Lokutu. During his tenure at the Lokutu site, he also served as Factory Manager and Process Manager before being appointed Technical Manager at PHC-Boteka in 2005. After taking on several positions within PHC, notably Area General Manager of Lokutu, in January 2019 Mr. Baelenge was appointed as Director of Sustainable Development for the company. A year later, he was recruited by the Congolese company AGRISERV as Director of Operations. Since October 2021, he has been working as the PHC Plantations Director. 

Mr. Baelenge holds a degree in Agricultural Engineering obtained in 1988 from l'Université Facultaire des sciences agronomiques de Yangambi (UFA Yangambi).

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