Creating shared prosperity through agribusiness

In February 2021, Plantations et Huileries du Congo welcomed a new management, Congolese, at the head of the company. This transition allowed PHC staff to engage in a reflection on the company's 100-year history and set a vision for the next 100 years ahead.

PHC is an important player in the economy of the Democratic Republic of Congo; As the national producer of industrial palm oil, PHC's operations serve to provide the country with a staple product that is not only essential to local diets, but also generates over 6 jobs in some of the most remote regions. most remote parts of the country.

When PHC's new leadership was put in place in February 2021, one of its priorities was to define a vision that took into account the major scope of PHC's activities. At a workshop in April 2021, PHC staff set about this task, starting with identifying the shared values ​​that would shape the transformation of the business under new leadership. Through group exercises and discussions, PHC staff agreed on a set of four shared values ​​to inform the core of PHC's identity: Integrity, Teamwork, Diversity, and Respect.

Based on these values, PHC staff worked together to determine the legacy that this new era in PHC history would leave behind. Informed by the company's new values, as well as the desire to become a global leader in sustainable agribusiness, PHC staff and company shareholders have crafted the new vision: to create shared prosperity through agribusiness.

At PHC, shared prosperity means that the success of the company is inextricably linked to the success of the communities and the environment in the regions where PHC operates. As such, PHC's new leadership is investing more than ever in new projects and activities to leverage PHC's role as an agribusiness leader for the shared prosperity of all.

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